Nothing But The Tooth

How Baking Soda Can You Keep Good Oral Health

Written by Dynamic Dental | Jun 2, 2021 1:08:43 PM

Baking soda, also known as bicarbonate of soda, is a popular addition to most kitchen cupboards. Aside from its invaluable use in cooking and cleaning, baking soda is an inexpensive remedy for many common ailments.

In particular, baking soda can help you to maintain good oral health. An imbalance of acid in the body can lead to a range of health problems, particularly in the mouth. Baking soda works by balancing the levels of acid in the body.


Halitosis, or bad breath, is an embarrassing problem for many people. It can be caused by residue from acid-forming foods, such as sugar and protein, sticking to the teeth, tongue and mouth. Baking soda can rebalance the levels of acid and help to treat and prevent halitosis. Dissolve half a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water to make an effective mouth rinse to beat bad breath.

Gum disease 

Gum disease, sometimes called gingivitis, is usually characterised by sore, swollen, bleeding or infected gums, often accompanied by bad breath. If left untreated, it can lead to serious problems. Gum disease is caused by an accumulation of plaque on the teeth. Baking soda discourages the formation of plaque and helps to prevent gum disease. Brush your teeth once or twice a day with baking soda, or choose toothpaste with added baking soda.

Mouth ulcers and sores 

Mouth ulcers and sores can be painful and irritating. They can also take a long time to heal, as their location often means they are being continually aggravated by food, drink and other irritants. Baking soda can promote healing and help to soothe ulcers and sores. Dissolve one or two teaspoons of baking soda in a glass of water to make a soothing mouth rinse. 

Tooth whitening

Teeth become stained and discoloured for a number of different reasons, including food, drink, nicotine and alcohol. Baking soda is an effective tooth whitening agent, as it can remove stains from the teeth. For this reason, baking soda is included in many tooth whitening and toothpaste preparations. To whiten your teeth and remove stains, dampen your toothbrush and dip into a small dish of baking soda. Shake off any loose baking soda before brushing your teeth thoroughly. For best results, brush teeth twice a day with baking soda.

Used regularly, baking soda can help you to maintain good oral health and prevent trips to the dentist. Many toothpaste preparations now contain baking soda, especially those used for tooth whitening. Make your own toothpaste preparations, and save yourself some money, by using baking soda as part of your oral health routine.

Image Credit: Jennuine Captures