Getting The Most From Your Dental Insurance
If you have purchased a dental plan or have one through your employer, you should already know how much money it could save you. Nevertheless, professional dental care can still be expensive even at discounted rates. Here are a couple of ways you can maximize the benefits
of owning a dental plan.
1. Add family members to your dental plan.
Dental plans may offer discounts if you enroll multiple family members on the same plan. For example, if your enrollment fee as an individual is $120 for one year, adding dependents might only cost you an additional $40. Ask if a family discount is available for your plan. If so, enroll your dependents as soon as possible to enjoy the most savings.
2. Get all the care you need while you enrollment is valid.
If you enroll in a dental plan it typically goes from Jan 1st to December 31st . You have that much time to receive the benefit maximum offered by your dental plan. Your insurance may have a $1500 maximum per year and cover different services at various percentages. For
example, you may be allowed 2 cleanings per year at no cost to you (the cost is taken form your annual maximum). Fillings and other work may only cost you a small percentage of the
actual cost. You should try and maximize your benefits by using the entire $1500 because you will lose any money not used. Each year it renews and you get a new $1500 to work with. Schedule future visits with your dentist accordingly. If you expect to have multiple visits, get them all done while your dental plan still covers you.
3. Visit your dentist regularly.
Regular visits to your dentist will save you money while protecting your teeth. Preventive care is much less expensive than controlling dental diseases once they occur. So don't wait for a
toothache before you see the dentist. Enroll your family in a dental plan and have your teeth examined and treated twice a year. If you have a condition that requires frequent visits, be sure to fulfill them all to receive complete treatment.
4. Take advantage of special offers.
When you visit the dentist, you may receive special coupons or offers for a future visit. An example is a discounted whitening or orthodontics. You can use such an offer for family members or yourself if the treatment is needed.
5. Stay on the course.
It's not enough to get a thorough cleaning and fillings; you should also make the effort to change your diet and lifestyle as the dentist recommends. After your visit, follow your dentist's instructions. Avoid food and beverage that may hurt or damage your teeth, such as candies and soda. Brush and floss your teeth daily. If you need to come back to your dentist for further treatment, make sure that you do. Sometimes it can take several, repeated visits in order to bring a dental problem under control. In other words, be consistent; don't fall off the wagon.
6. Compare plans.
While buying a dental plan is always a good idea, not all plans are the same. Shop around for the best rates for your family. Use the Internet to search for dental plans available in your area. Nowadays getting a dental quote is as easy as typing your zip code in a search box. When you compare plans, look for one that covers the dental services you need. If you have a preferred dentist, choose a plan that he or she accepts.